Dark Comedy

Review: “Sleep”

The scary part is the lack of control. When you’re asleep, anything can happen. Your mind can dream up things wonderful and terrible. You can talk out loud. You can get up and move and walk with zero conscious control over your limbs. Recently, I fell asleep at my desk while working on a job […]


Movie Review: Only the River Flows (河邊的錯誤)

If you’ve been watching the movies coming out of China over the past few years, you’ve no doubt noticed that many… okay, most… of them have a patriotic bent. Gone are subjects that the government has deemed to undermine national security, and that means no more movies about corrupt cops or government officials because they […]

Amazon Prime Video

Inspector Clouseau (1968)

I wasn’t even aware that Arkin took a turn at portraying the bumbling and ridiculous officer of the law, but he indeed did, and it is every bit as patently silly as any of the other famous pictures starring the late great (though famously tough to work with) Peter Sellers. Arkin, […]


The Beta Test Review

Bursting onto the scene in 2018 with the brilliant indie film Thunder Road, Jim Cummings returns with his brand new film that he stars, writes and directs in. The Beta Test is another dark comedy that follows Jordan, a Hollywood agent that receives a mysterious letter that invites him to a hotel to participate in […]


TIFF ’24: ‘Babygirl’ Review

The media has played a major part in how men perceive women. Through commercials, television series and films, women have been objectified and hypersexualized to sell an ideal form of beauty only desired by men. Thankfully, power dynamics in the workplace have shifted over the years, but there is still a power […]


Woman Of The Hour

I heard the buzz about Woman Of The Hour when it was playing festivals a while back. Now, it has arrived here in the UK on Netflix so I gave Anna Kendrick’s directorial debut a watch. To be honest I did not get the film I was expecting from pre-release hype, I feel that the […]


Psikolojik Gerilimden Büyük Bilim Kurgu Anlatılarına: Christopher Nolan

Sinemacı köşe yazarlarının yazılarına “Geçen gün bir film izledim…” benzeri girişler yapmaları hep garibime gitmiştir. Yani, sinema yazarının ne izlediğinden, izlerken ne yaşadığından bize ne, değil mi? Filme dair yazdıklarımız, son derece kişisel hislerimizden ziyade teknik meseleler üzerinden olmamalı mı? O yazılarda filme dair elle tutulur eleştirilerin sayısı 2-3 cümleyi aşmadığı için bu tip girişler, […]

Psikolojik Gerilimden Büyük Bilim Kurgu Anlatılarına: Christopher Nolan


Blowing Job: Our Review of The Last Exorcism

The Last Exorcism (2010) IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT! I COMPEL YOU BACK TO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT OF HELL WHE – Oh hello, didn’t see you there! You’ve caught me right in the middle of exorcising my fellow reviewer Ryan Fleming. He suggested this week we watch something…



The Silent Sea Cast

The Silent Sea (고요의 바다) series is an adaptation from the 2014 short film The Sea of Tranquility. The Silent Sea premiered on Netflix on December 24, 2021, starring Bae Doona, Gong Yoo, Lee Joon, Heo Sung-tae, and Lee Moo-saeng. Gong Yoo as Han Yoon-jae Gong Ji-cheol (공지철), better known by his stage name Gong […]

The Silent Sea Cast | The Silent Sea Netflix Cast


Blu-ray Review: Malignant

After switching gears and directing the comic book movie Aquaman, Warner Bros. has allowed James Wan to return to his low-budget horror movie roots with Malignant, an absolutely gnarly little film that I’m honestly impressed the studio even agreed to put out. Wan, who has kickstarted no less […]

Blu-ray Review: Malignant


Dead Silence

There doesn’t seem to be much love in the world for killer doll movie Dead Silence. The film-makers (Leigh Whannell, James Wan) went on to bigger and better things, and disowned this early effort as mangled by studio interference, but while the creative forces may not have been satisfied with the end product, Dead Silence […]

Dead Silence



Yikes! One of the unexpected fallers in 2021’s race for the drastically reduced box-office prizes on offer was James Wan’s return to the horror territories that he’d previously made his own. After the promising Dead Silence, the Insidious and Conjuring movies made Wan a brand, even if both franchises fizzled out in terms of appeal. […]



Last Night in Soho (2021)

I need to show my cards here – I am a huge Edgar Wright fan. I have been ever since I have seen Shaun of the Dead (2004). I have learned a lot about him, mainly the fact, he’s an avid cinephile. I would imagine he’s the only one who comes anywhere near Quentin Tarantino and/or Martin Scorsese regarding the film knowledge, the […]

Last Night in Soho (2021) Review – Definitely Won’t Be My Last Night


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