

It’s hot, it’s steamy, you know you want to (and chances are, you already have: this series has been ULTRA popular on Netflix). It’s deliciously anachronistic, unapologetically salacious, and totally bingeable. The costumes are sumptuous, the dialogue sparkles, the sets are incredible, and the romance is as soapy as it is sexy. Plus, the ensemble […]



Netflix Series: Detention

A city girl transferred out of her previous high school and into a rural-like high school. This school was shrouded in fear of a building on campus and rumours. Old fashion ways of thinking and censorship was still the norm. As an outsider, she became curious about all the secrecy about […]

Netflix Series: Detention

In Theaters

The Irishman

Bugün sizlerle haftanın biyografi konseptine uygun bir filmden bahsetmek istiyorum. Filmimizin adı ‘ The Irishman’ Türkçe adıyla ‘İrlandalı ‘ . Filmimizin başrollerini Robert De Niro, Al Pacino ve Joe Pesci paylaşıyor. Film süresi itibariyle uzun gibi gözükse de izlerken sizi sıkmıyor. Şimdi filmle alakalı diğer ayrıntılara da bakalım. Filmin yönetmenliğini Martin Scorses üstleniyor. Filmimizin konusuna […]

The Irishman


Documentary Series To Stream On Netflix8

History Of Swear Words [2021] Welcome to “History of Swear Words”, hosted by none other than the legendary Nicolas Cage. I’m serious. This series is real and it’s easily bingeable. So prepare yourself to learn more about your favorite swear words, from “Fuck” to “Shit”. It’s a lot of fun and it’s actually educative. […]

Documentary Series To Stream On Netflix

In Theaters

Will Adam Sandler Really Try To Make The Worst Comedy Movie Ever?

Hubie Halloween ⭐️⭐️ I’d say it’s even money if Sandler tries to make the worst comedy movie ever. Surely it would be funny if his team tried, and maybe the reality is they attempt to make a movie so bad that it’s meant to be funnier? How does one set out to make an intentionally […]

Will Adam Sandler Really Try To Make The Worst Comedy Movie Ever?



Dün akşam işlerimi bitirdikten sonra Netflix’e bir şeyler izlemek için girdim ve Bridgerton’useçtim.Dizi, geçmiş Avrupa dönemini anlatıyor. Bugün kadınlara karşı yapılanlara karşı dimdikduran feminist hareketin ne kadar yerinde, doğru bir hareket olduğunu bizim bir kez dahagözümüzün ve aklımızın içine sokuyor.Avrupa’nın geçmişini anlatan birçok film ve dizide olduğu gibi yine ”namus” denilen şeyin ve”sıfır beden olma, […]



Netflix Series: Sweet Home

Summary Hyun-soo was alone. The death of his family in an car accident had left him distraught and without the will to live. He decided to move into an old apartment and shut himself in. Everybody else also kept to themselves in this apartment complex. One day, Hyun-soo was waiting for […]

Netflix Series: Sweet Home

Amazon Prime Video

TV Talk: Best of 2020

It’s hard to keep track of all the TV shows available to us, but 2020 did treat us to some gems. This post won’t necessarily be highlighting shows released solely in 2020 but shows that caught my attention throughout the year. Here are the best TV shows I watched in 2020. The Boys (Season 2): […]

TV Talk: Best of 2020

In Theaters

The Queen’s Gambit Kostümlerinin Hikayeleri

Geçtiğimiz günlerde Queens Gambit dizisini bitirdim. Dizi ile ilgili söyleyecek çok fazla sözüm var fakat kostümler… Ah o kostümler… Dizide yer yer gördüğümüz başarılı ve bilindik oyuncular, Anya Joy’un oyunculuğu, çekimler ve Beth karakterinin stili. Dönem kıyafetlerine bayılan biri olarak öncelikle söylemeliyim ki diziyi izlemeye başladıktan sonra bu tarz kıyafetler aramaya başladım. Her ne kadar […]

The Queen’s Gambit Kostümlerinin Hikayeleri


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