
Dugan: Happy Gilmore (1996)

Billy Madison was Adam Sandler’s most vital film, but Happy Gilmore was his most polished. In fact, Billy Madison nailed Sandler’s comic persona so purely and perfectly that it was almost a dead end, forcing Sandler to scramble for ways to reinvent and reimagine his toddler persona over his next few films. Billy Madison was […]

Dugan: Happy Gilmore (1996)


Davis: Billy Madison (1995)

Something vital occurs when an actor discovers their perfect persona – an extrapolation of their whole comic world that carries an entire world along with it. So it was with Billy Madison, Adam Sandler’s film about a developmentally challenged twenty-something who retakes every school grade in twenty-four weeks to make himself eligible to inherit his […]

Davis: Billy Madison (1995)

Movie Reviews

‘Magnolia’ Freaked Out Adam Sandler So Much He Nearly Turned Down ‘Punch-Drunk Love’

The story of “Punch-Drunk Love” begins with “Saturday Night Live,” or at least that’s how Adam Sandler tells it on this week’s episode of the “SmartLess” podcast, hosted by Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes. Sandler remembered it was a fateful meeting between himself and Tom Cruise during a Nicole Kidman-hosted episode of the…

‘Magnolia’ Freaked Out Adam Sandler So Much He Nearly Turned Down ‘Punch-Drunk Love’

Movie Reviews


Hubie Dubois, Salem’de yaşayan korkak ama iyi yürekli bir adamdır. Yaşadığı yerde herkes onunla dalga geçmekte ve onun kalbini kıracak kadar kötü hareketler yapmaktadırlar. Sürekli taciz edilse de kötü olmayı bir türlü başaramayan Hubie, cadılar bayramı için bekçilik yapmaya başlar ve olaylar gelişir. Akıl hastanesinden kaçan iki kişi vardır ve şehre, insanlara zarar verebilirler diye […]


Movie Reviews

Best 10 Comedy Movies

Watching movies takes 2 hours, but choosing a movie takes a lifetime. That’s why I’m here with an article that will make your job easier. If you’ve watched the movies on our list, you’ll remember why you liked them. But if you haven’t watched it, you will catch the good moments you missed. Here are […]

Best 10 Comedy Movies

Movie Reviews

Uncut Gems

Başarı için neleri göze alabiliriz? Etrafımızdaki insanların bizim hüsranlarımıza ve başarı vaatlerimize ne derece kanmasını bekleyebiliriz? Uncut Gems her düşüşte yere kalkmaya çalışan insanların ve onlara tahammülün bir hikayesi. Bir nebze de old school capitalism anlatısı aslında. Zenginliğe ve başarıya giden yolda mübah davranışların özet olarak sunumu. Ve, bazen ne yaparsan yap rahatlığa erişmeyi haketmemişsindir […]

Uncut Gems


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