In Theaters

Thoroughly Unmodern Tillie

TILLIE’s PUNCTURED ROMANCE (1914) isn’t highly rated — but we should give Sennett some credit for jumping into the feature film racket with both flapshod feet, even when he could have had little idea of what a feature comedy would be like (nobody had made one). There’s also something poetically apt about Sennett co-directing with […]

Thoroughly Unmodern Tillie


Charlie as Chaplin or Chaplin as Charlie?

A weird one… I wrote about RECREATION already — this Keystone park film didn’t seem much different from a half-dozen others, and it survives in a form most uneven and considerably more ragged than most. As so often at Keystone, Chaplin makes valuable discoveries in one short (THE FACE ON THE BARROOM FLOOR) only to […]

The Sunday Intertitle: Charlie as Chaplin or Chaplin as Charlie?


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