Director Keith Thomas’ first feature hits theaters, digital platforms, and VOD February 26.
‘The Vigil’ Trailer: An Orthodox Jewish Ritual Gets a Haunted Twist in IFC’s New Horror Movie
Director Keith Thomas’ first feature hits theaters, digital platforms, and VOD February 26.
‘The Vigil’ Trailer: An Orthodox Jewish Ritual Gets a Haunted Twist in IFC’s New Horror Movie
Come True (2020) Director (and screenplay): Anthony Scott Burns Cast: Julia Sarah Stone, Landon Liboiron, Tedra Rogers, Chantal Perron, Carlee Ryski, Christopher Heatherington A teenage runaway takes part in a sleep study that becomes a nightmarish descent into the depths of her mind and a frightening examination of the power of dreams. – IMDB Dreams, […]
The cinema experience is becoming a laughably ironic phrase by the day, with studios and filmmakers pushing out release dates or delaying them indefinitely on a daily basis because of the current pandemic. Of course it’s just about money and return on investment, which there is nothing wrong with, but save us the sanctimonious babble […]
10 Classic Made-for-TV Horror Movies
Christopher Landon’s fun twist on the “Freaky Friday” concept isn’t as fresh as his “Happy Death Day” series, but it’s entertaining where it counts.
‘Freaky’ Review: Vince Vaughn and Kathryn Newton Go Wild in This Winking Horror Comedy
THANKS TO UNRESTRICTED VIEW HORROR FILM FESTIVAL 2020! Just a quick post to say thank you to the Unrestricted View Horror Film Festival for screening my short film You Have A New Follower (2020). They screened it online as part of their Little Terrors programme on Tuesday 27th October 2020. Loads of great shorts and […]
It’s an interesting question. As I’m sure you’re all aware, I love a good movie. I love a bad movie. And I love movies of all genres. With it being October and Halloween being just over a week away, I thought it would be interesting to figure out what my favorite horror movies are. I […]
What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie?
An insecure single mother and her erratic son read a random bedtime story for children and quickly find out the book has invited a third presence in their dark, lonely home. Claustrophobic, remorseless, and brutal even to the innocent, Australian Director Jennifer Kent’s expressionistic creation doesn’t let up. All places of comfort – a mother’s […]
Reely Bernie Horror Fest: The Babadook – 2014
4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking. This October, we’ve been using 4 Shots from 4 Films to pay tribute […]
4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking. This October, we’ve been using 4 Shots from 4 Films to pay tribtue […]
Agck! Seriously, dear readers, don’t mess with Ouija boards. That’s really the main lesson that’s to be learned from the 2017 Spanish film, Veronica. Taking place in 1991 and based on a true story (No, it really is!), Veronica tells the story of a 15 year-old girl named …. well, Veronica (Sandra Escacena). Veronica lives […]
International Horror Film Review: Veronica (dir by Paco Plaza)
I’ve seen it twice! No horror marathon list should be without a Japanese horror entry, and this is one of my favorites! Synopsis: “Do you want to meet a ghost?” In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lurks some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying […]
Reely Bernie Horror Fest: Pulse (回路, Kairo) – 2001
Upon Dr. Holden’s arrival to expose a particular satanic cult in England, he becomes concerned after the death of a colleague and the constant confrontations of the cult’s leader Julian Karswell. Part of my excitement of this week’s focus on classic horror films was […]
Considering I’ve got two more posts about found film horrors this month, I’d say this is definitely a good question to ask. And really, though I love a lot of subgenres in horror films, found film is definitely my favorite. There’s just something about it that is going to scare me every damn time, no […]
Why Do We Love Found Film Horror?
Yuri the pimp is dead and his body has been stuffed into a washing machine …. or has it? The body’s missing. Did the cat eat it? Is someone lying about finding the body? Or is there something else going on? Those are the questions that are raised by the 1993 Italian film, The Washing […]
International Horror Film Review: The Washing Machine (dir by Ruggero Deodato)
I honestly don’t remember how I first learned about Trick r Treat. But somehow, a few years back, I found a copy of the film online and watched it out of curiosity, not sure what to expect (and you know my general feelings on scary horror films if you’ve been following this blog for a […]
My Thoughts on: Trick r Treat (2007)
Today’s horror movie on the Shattered Lens is both a classic of silent era and one of the most influential horror films ever made. It’s one that I previously shared in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2108, and 2019 but it’s such a classic that I feel that it is worth sharing a second (or fifth or […]
Horror On The Lens: The Phantom of the Opera (dir by Rupert Julian)
I’m always a little bit cautious about anthology films. There’s been a few that I’ve liked. (I recently enjoyed Tales From Parts Unknown, for instance.) But most of the time, horror anthology films tend to leave me feeling rather disappointed. The good segments always seem as if they’re too short while the bad segments seem […]
Horror Film Review: American Nightmares (dir by Darin Scott and Rusty Cundieff)
This was my first viewing, and I have no idea why or how I added it to this year’s lineup. In fact, most of my Letterboxd friends didn’t like it. The mystery of how it got on my list made me wanted to see it more. And, what the heck […]
Reely Bernie Horror Fest: Pyewacket – 2017
Time to wrap up Romero’s Dead franchise as we look as the last two films with 2007’s found footage, Diary of the Dead and then 2009’s Survival of the Dead. Let’s check it out! Diary of the Dead (2007) Director (and writer): George A. Romero Cast: Joshua Close, Michelle Morgan, Shawn Roberts, Joe Dinicol, Todd […]
Double Feature: Diary of the Dead (2007) & Survival of the Dead (2009)
Hi, and welcome to the 100th remake of The Wicker Man. In this version from 2006, our victim is played by Jeremy Sisto. He’s a good actor but he’s no Nicolas Cage. He played Steve Kady, who works for the U.S. Census Bureau so let’s all take a moment to boo the federal government. Booooo! […]
Horror Film Review: Population 436 (dir by Michelle McLaren)