Movie News

That Time Madonna Stuck Her Tongue Out At Kevin Costner And The Resolution Years Later

Let Him Go ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The title of Kevin Costner’s most recent movie is apt to this post, only exchanging the pronoun for “her” instead of him. I resisted the urge to use the headline: That Time Madonna Gave Kevin Costner The Tongue. It just sounded like a little too much, despite the double entendre, but […]

That Time Madonna Stuck Her Tongue Out At Kevin Costner And The Resolution Years Later

Movie Reviews

Film Review: Criminal (2016)

Sitting at home feeling like death warmed up makes you do things you might not usually consider doing. Like watching a film you might never have thought twice about any other time. Check the cast! Kevin Costner, Gary Oldman, Tommy Lee Jones, Ryan Reynolds, Michael Pitt, and many more! This must be bloody good, right? […]

Film Review: Criminal (2016)


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