Movie Reviews

Uncle Frank (2020)

Beth (Sophia Lillis) is an impressionable young woman starting college in New York City, which is just about as far as she can get, both physically and mentally, from her hometown, the small working-class hamlet of Creekville, South Carolina, where the spectre of the past still lingers, despite being well into the 1970s. As a […]

Uncle Frank (2020)

Movie Reviews

SABRINA (1954)

Audrey Hepburn wears the crown as golden age actress of class from her era. In every role, she carries herself with the ethereal grace of a princess. Even in her quintessential black leggings and flats, she remains the icon of fashion, elegance, and simplicity. In Sabrina, she plays the innocent chauffeur’s daughter in love with […]

SABRINA (1954) movie review

Movie Reviews

Inferno (1980)

MY CALL:  Despite being a practically witchless witch movie with clunky storytelling, much of Argento’s unique style reserves a place in the halls of classic horror film appreciation. As far as “witch movies” go, I’d consider this the weakest of his Three Mothers trilogy. MOVIES LIKE Suspiria: Well, there’s the original Suspiria (1977) and its […]

John’s Horror Corner: Inferno (1980), another of Argento’s ‘style over substance’ classics about a witch.
Movie Reviews

Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt is a biopic about the political theorist and author of The Origins of Totalitarianism and Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, among other scholarly works. It’s not a study of her whole life, however, or even close to it; at least 90% of the film concerns Arendt’s aforementioned book […]

Hannah Arendt [subtitled in part]

Movie Reviews

Hillbilly Elegy (2020)

I’m not sure what any of us expected from Hillbilly Elegy, but if it was a good film, it seems to have been something of a tall order, and one that simply could not be met in any conceivable way by a film that seems, more than anything else, entirely unnecessary to begin with. Naturally, […]

Hillbilly Elegy (2020)

Movie Reviews

Proxima (2020)

A lot is simmering below the surface of Proxima, the daring space drama (which doesn’t actually show the proverbial “final frontier” at all, one of several fascinating directorial decisions made in the creation of this film) from Alice Winocour, who plucks a number of timely, incredibly relevant themes and throws them together into what can […]

Proxima (2020)

Movie Reviews

Classic Review – The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) Director – David Lean (Lawrence of Arabia) Cast – William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins, Sessue Hayakawa Plot – A group of British and American POW’s during WW2 find themselves helping the Japanese forces build a giant bridge to accommodate the Burma-Siam railway as the fiercely […]

Classic Review – The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

Movie Reviews


Güzel bir anın hemen öncesinin tadına varmak istediğiniz zamanlarda izlenmesi gereken bir film. Miles Raymond, bütün hayatı bir yazar olabilme hayalleriyle geçmiş, ama evliliğindeki gibi mesleğinde de başarısız olmuş, bir İngilizce öğretmenidir. En yakın arkadaşı Jack ise, hiç kimse tarafından tanınmayan bir televizyon oyuncusudur ve evlenmek üzeredir. Miles’ın son yazarlık denemesi de başarısızlıkla sonuçlanınca en […]


Movie Reviews

Elmer Gantry (1960)

When composing the canon of great American films, there is one in particular that occupies a very strange space – Elmer Gantry is a film mostly remembered for the dynamic performance given by Burt Lancaster, who was already one of the industry’s most interesting leading actors, and very little else. Richard Brooks was a filmmaker […]

Elmer Gantry (1960)

Movie Reviews


This movie was based on a comic book character named Bloodshot. Bloodshot was originally an US Marine, named Ray, who was kidnapped along with his wife by mercenaries. The leader Axe killed his wife and him when he wouldn’t comply. Or so he thought….. Ray wakes up to find himself in […]

Movie Review: Bloodshot

Movie Reviews

Hard Candy (2005)

This movie has only two characters and for the entire movie it’s a mind game between the two. The girl is fourteen and the man is in his late twenties. They meet online in a chatroom and become friends. What follows after is a nightmare for one of these characters and I won’t say which. […]

movie 31/90 – Hard Candy (2005)

Movie Reviews

Xala (Senegal)

Xala, Senegal’de konuşulan dillerden biri olan Wolof dilinde geçici cinsel iktidarsızlık demekmiş. Ousmane Sembene’in 1975 yılı yapımı Xala filmi, sömürge yılları sonrası bağımsızlığına kavuşan Senegal’in yönetimdeki hükumetin bakanlarından birinin üzerinden bize tipik bir Afrika ülkesinin içinde bulunduğu durumu anlatıyor. Xala için kara komedi filmi de diyebiliriz bana göre. Nüfusun yüzde doksan beşi müslüman olan ülkede […]

30 Ülke 30 Film #6: Xala (Senegal)

Movie Reviews

Movie Review: Push

In a not so future world, certain individuals had supernatural powers that the government was determined to control. These individual were monitored and trained by the government to serve. Those who were deemed too powerful were locked away and sedated. Themes1) work together despite differences: Even though they might have disliked […]

Movie Review: Push

Movie Reviews

Deliverance: Camping Romp With Banjos & Rivers

Do you deliver? Here’s a notorious thriller from 1972. Directed by John Boorman, it’s a tense and disturbing romp about banjos, hillbillies, and inbreeding. Lovely! Deliverance Four business blokes from Atlanta decide to take a weekend off to go canoeing in the Georgia wilderness. A region set to be dammed soon (as in, a dam […]

Deliverance: Camping Romp With Banjos & Rivers

Movie Reviews

Make Up

Make Up UK (2019) Dir. Claire Oakley Being the outsider is always difficult, more so when you arrive in a place where the local community is tight knit. You may have the support of someone close already part of that number, but there is still everyone else to win over – just don’t end up […]

Make Up

Apple TV


Malumunuz, Cannes’daki prömiyerinden beri ortalığa damgasını vuran bir film var; Parasite. Okja ve Snowpiercer ile tanıdığımız Güney Koreli yönetmen Bong Joon-Ho’nun 2019 yılında çıkmış bu filmi çıktığı günden beri gerek ülkemizde gerekse de dünya çapında büyük tartışmalara mevzu oldu. Hatta işler o noktaya geldi ki, bu tartışmalar Parasite’in boyunu aşar oldu. İşte Cannes’da yaptığı açılıştan […]

Parasite ve Nasıl Piyasa Filmi Yapılır Yahut Film Nasıl Piyasaya Mâl Edilir?

Movie Reviews


Dünyanın en yüksek dağına çıkan insanların neler yaşamışlardır hiç merak ettiniz mi ? Onların yaşadıkları maceralara tanık olmak ister miydiniz ? Bugün sizi dünyanın en yüksek dağı olan Everest’te heyecan dolu bir maceraya götüreceğim. Film adını dağdan almış. Filmin başında dağcıların Everest’e çıkış planlamalarını görüyoruz daha sonra yapılan hazırlıklara şahit oluyoruz. İşte tam olarak bundan […]

‘Son söz her zaman dağa aittir…’


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