97th Oscars Cinematography Predictions: September 2024
97th Oscars Cinematography Predictions: September 2024
With yet another year of movies behind us, it’s never too early to start looking ahead to next awards season! The 2022-23 season is already chock-full of big-name directors and actors vying for Academy Awards. What are some films we can expect to see in the conversation next year? Will any of these films be […]
40 Films to Watch for the 2023 Oscars
Many of us have read posts and articles pertaining to predictions and rankings. Because of BAFTA and SAG results, most claim to know how Oscar night will pan out tonight for the winner of Best Film. Why do the classic winners seem so much better than winners in recent years? How far back do you […]
There were high hopes for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS)’ 93rd Academy Awards ceremony. For the first time in history, nearly half of the nominees in acting categories were people of color, and 70 women were nominated across all 23 categories. These were unprecedented numbers for an awards show that has existed…
Footage of viewers doing what they had to do to make it through last night’s Oscar ceremony This morning, I woke up and I thought about the cult of Steven Soderbergh. Soderbergh is a filmmaker who is fervently adored by some film and cultural critics. They eagerly devour his every thought. They examine his annual […]
A Few Late Thoughts On Last Night’s Oscars
After a crazy year impacted by a pandemic and following a long extended awards season, we finally get to put 2020 to rest with the Academy Awards. Much like the 2020 movie year, Oscar night was unusual – really weird actually. It was a hodgepodge of highs, lows, and downright bewilderment. There were some major […]
RANDOM THOUGHTS: The 2021 Oscars
The big news this month is that Respect will no longer be getting released in January. It’s been moved back so drop it from your Oscar predictions. Here are my current predictions. Take them with grain of salt and all the rest. The more and more I think about it, the more annoyed I am […]
Lisa’s Oscar Predictions For October
In this strange awards year, virtual film festivals and awards shows are one way to build awards buzz.
Local Awards Push 2021 Oscar Contenders, from San Francisco and London to the Hamptons
PİYANİST 2.Dünya savaşını anlatan ”PİYANİST” filmi 2002 yılında beyazperde de izleyicilerle buluşmuştur. Piyanist 2 saat 30 dakika sürüp , IMBD puanı ise 8,5 olarak belirlenmiştir. Filmin konusu 2.Dünya savaşı sırasındaki Naziler ile Yahudiler arasındaki sıkıntıları ele almaktadır . Gerçek yaşamdan alınan bu film hem hüzünlü sahneleriyle hemde ince detaylarda gizli sahneler ile beyazperde karşısına geçen […]