
Sundance: On The Count of Three

Work sucks. Home sucks. Life sucks. Val (Jerrod Carmichael) springs his best friend Kevin (Christopher Abbott) from the psychiatric facility where he’s being held so they can commit suicide together. Kevin attempts it regularly, which is why he’s currently being held, and Val has recently begun to think that this is the only logical solution. […]

Sundance: On The Count of Three


Sundance 2021: Prisoners of the Ghostland

Prisoners of the Ghostland is a collaboration between America’s most bonkers actor, Nicolas Cage, and Japanese auteur Sion Sono, known for grotesque violence, extreme eroticism, and surreal imagery. I’m not the biggest fan of Nic Cage’s recent reincarnation as a b-movie cartoon, but I thought this combination was made in movie heaven and couldn’t wait to […]

Sundance 2021: Prisoners of the Ghostland


SUNDANCE REVIEW: “Eight for Silver” (2021)

One of the biggest surprises coming out of this year’s Sundance Film Festival has been “Eight for Silver”, a gory old-fashioned horror movie that offers a fresh spin on the age-old werewolf story. The film comes from British writer-director Sean Ellis who is no stranger to debuting his films at Sundance. His latest film looks […]

SUNDANCE REVIEW: “Eight for Silver” (2021)


Sundance 2021: “Fire in the Mountains”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. Under extreme circumstances, there is always an unusual solution to a pressing problem. And when that problem arrives in an already financially struggling family, it gets worse both psychologically and emotionally, turning it into an unbearable experience for one parent to carry the entire family on their shoulder. Chandra […]

Sundance 2021: “Fire in the Mountains”


Sundance 2021 Day 6 (The World to Come, Amy Tan, Users)

Hey everyone! I am writing this having finished the 2021 virtual edition of the Sundance Film Festival. I definitely missed my normal festival experience but there were some good parts of being at home. I got to connect with all of my online friends watching movies and the experience wasn’t as grueling as the live […]

Sundance Log 2021 Day 6 (The World to Come, Amy Tan, Users)


‘Hive’ Review: Pepper Spread Becomes a Sign of Rebellion in Kosovo Drama That Swept Sundance

Known as the caviar of the Balkans, ajvar is a Serbian roasted red pepper spread that originated in southeastern Europe. In the Kosovo-set drama “Hive,” the very act of making and bottling it becomes an act of rebellion for one woman, Fahrije (Yllka Gashi), who has no choice but to acquire an entrepreneurial spirit after…

‘Hive’ Review: Pepper Spread Becomes a Sign of Rebellion in Kosovo Drama That Swept Sundance


Sundance 2021: “Passing”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. Many famous actors are now turning into directors. Most of them are quite successful such as Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Olivia Wilde, Robin Wright, and now, Rebecca Hall. If you compare the above-mentioned names, I think Rebecca Hall has beaten all of them by directing the truly masterful portrayal […]

Sundance 2021: “Passing”


SUNDANCE REVIEW: “Wild Indian” (2021)

Written, directed, produced, and co-edited by Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr., “Wild Indian” tells the unsettling story of two men inextricably linked by a violent crime from their childhood. It’s a piercing and clear-eyed examination of trauma, guilt and embracing identity rather than running from it. Told through a deeply authentic indigenous perspective, “Wild Indian” contextualizes […]

SUNDANCE REVIEW: “Wild Indian” (2021)


Sundance 2021: Censor

Her name is Enid, and she’s a film censor, the person who negotiates the bad language, graphic violence, drug use, and nudity of a film, deciding just how much can be kept in and retain an R rating, and which films will either need to be edited, or bumped up to NC-17 and so on. […]

Sundance 2021: Censor


Sundance Vlog 2021 Day 3 (Street Gang, Prime Time, R#J, Rita Moreno, The Sparks Brothers)

Hey everyone! Today I watched 5 movies at the Sundance Film Festival and could have watched a 6th but I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open to write this vlog so another movie was out of the question. Needless to say I am going to make this short and sweet. Street […]

Sundance Vlog 2021 Day 3 (Street Gang, Prime Time, R#J, Rita Moreno, The Sparks Brothers)


Sundance 2021 Day 1 (President, Cryptozoo, Bring Your Own Brigade, Playing with Sharks, Coda, One for the Road)

Hi friends! Another day of virtual Sundance Film Festival attendance has come and gone. And as much as I miss the comradery of physical attendance the virtual experience has its appeal and they have done a great job organizing everything. Not only do they have a wide selection of movies but they still have the […]

Sundance Vlog 2021 Day 1 (President, Cryptozoo, Bring Your Own Brigade, Playing with Sharks, Coda, One for the Road)


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